the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-02-28
- serious demos@asm2k2
- 2002-05-15
- abstract
- 2002-08-19
- support russian parties. release your demos @ paradox2k2. questions? mail me :)
- 2002-08-20
- and paradogs. and pdxteam. everybody rokk.
- 2002-09-13
- yomoma!
- 2002-09-15
- We released patch for "Radial blur heros". It replaces "GF3 only" effect by another. Here's the demo itself:. prod.php?which=7477
- 2002-09-22
- new PATCH for []Radial Blur Heroes[/url] . Now everything should be ok ;)
- 2002-09-27
- rock'n'roll ! ;)
- 2003-08-09
- yesterday boozembly was great. guys, you have so cute girls here in finland :)
- 2004-01-29
- wassup? throb+neonray is bakk whooho ;)
- 2005-07-22
- i don't go to assembly :(
- 2006-04-14
- hello!