the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-05-09
- lard checksum
- 2023-05-10
- still waiting for cyberpunk 2077 to become good
- still waiting for purple motion to remake unreal ][
- 2023-05-13
- fasttracker 2 has sample drawing, and this will affect the demoscene.
- 2023-05-14
- still waiting for farbrausch to finish kkrieger
- 2023-06-14
- still waiting for future crew to release their pinball game
- 2023-10-02
- I wonder, is still getting worked on?
- 2024-10-20
- How many demos could a programmer program, if a programmer programmed a program that programs demos?
- 2024-10-25
- if 9 fingers ran on 2 floppies, does that mean each floppy had 4,5 fingers?