the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2022-11-09
- the flow will go with you, but for how long...
- 2022-11-15
- a oneliner, might or might not be a oneliner, even if you put it in a rainbow coloured scrolltext.
- 2022-11-16
- Humongous humour in da house. In <defunc>, RAM will load you and play you.
- talk about shit too early... where the poo is that tin, is what many mr. presidents wonder, and then go "coco jambo" and "I follow the sun".
- * memory overflow in module poo.tin * * drum fill music playing *
- 2022-11-17
- ubuntu is a good os, luckily you need windows for compatibility as much as you need a wine bottle and a tuning fork.
- true, chisel and a stone slab.
- corporate tampering can lead to profitable business agreement, on the other hand it can lead to pharmageddon. :-) #linuxfromthescratch
- code as canonical as gospels be. the white rabbit will follow you through the hole to the megalopolis.
- black pharma is everywhere. allinone package. #profit #corporate #tamper #bigpharma #nonprofit #canonical #foundation #code
- 2022-11-24
- mount everest is like mount breadbox