the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-02-22
Yellow, he thought.
- 2021-03-17
Revision Belgium beer seminar beer box just arrived. Evilbot approves \o/
- 2021-03-30
- 2021-05-06
next kindergarten argument logic please
- 2021-05-09
Mary Unpoppularins.
- 2021-05-19
leGend: That was a very DEEP oneliner.
- 2021-05-20
sham on
life best under your bed.
- 2021-05-28
Flashy: I bought it before they closed down.
- 2021-06-05
next toxic self-righteous hatespeech from "woke" demoscene idol please
... and delivers.
doesn't count: is cheese of colour.
no sleep 'till Brücklin.
- 2022-04-10
… done that with Algor and Deneb USB cards (FlashROM though). Comes with intro, running in parallel to the boot process.
- 2022-04-18
Mixing terms like cylinders and tracks will affect the demoscene.
I know why I didn’t participate. And gladly there are several more smaller, but affecting parties coming up this year.
- 2022-04-19
I want a dia cushion right now.
- 2022-04-20
Are 80 cylinders boomer hats?
- 2022-05-10
Just say No.
- 2022-05-16
nau(u)sea me.
- 2022-05-22
how many boots would chuck norris boot?
- 2022-06-15
L'enfer, c'est les autres.
- 2022-06-22
Precrime. Nuff said.
- 2023-11-06
- <- this Magnum A.I. writeup might affect the Amiga demoscene.