the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-11-09
- Softer hardware for beginners
- 2023-11-13
- Bah, humbug!
- 2023-11-14
- Instant noodles, are we talking planck time or attoseconds?
- 2023-11-15
- I'm in bed with covid and fever. What are the sickest prods you recommend watching?
- :)
- 2023-11-18
- Elon rockit launch in 1h
- 2023-11-19
- In the future AI's will crack games for us
- In the future AI's will control us in human deathmatches.
- 2023-11-20
- In the future, bored AI's will co-found inactive groups like Farbrausch
- 2023-11-22
- emod.exe
- 2023-11-23
- Good day to you sir
- Not me
- 2023-11-24
- Load, decrunch, execute!
- 2023-12-03
- Don't fart in the Apple store, they don't have Windows.
- 2023-12-04
- Any BASS HUT this year?
- 2023-12-08
- Could be one of the new 256 bit executables
- 2023-12-09
- 1 print money. 2 eat it. 3 profit.
- 2023-12-12
- Hands off that hamster
- 2023-12-13
- your mother was a hamster
- and your father smelt like Blueberry
- 2023-12-14
- I think Special Patrol Group is a stupid name for a hamster.
- 2023-12-17
- What's wrong with telepathy? Asking for a friend.
- 2023-12-23
- Canned ravioli works fine with food delivery.
- 2023-12-24
- Don't forget the moon landings.
- 2023-12-26
- Last christmas I gave you my disks, but the very next day you gave them away