the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-04-14
- tracne!
- 2009-04-15
- <- says gnite to everyone!
- psonice: Love by Fairlight
- Someone can tell me how I can find the English translaction of Rob Is Jarig song please? Thanks in advance.
- havoc: oh... I've guessed was meaning Birthday or Strawberries.
- "rob's birthday"... doesn't sounds so bad :) Anyway I was thinking about the full song.
- Well, isn't so old, he's 26. :)
- hmm... demo was released in the 1999, he had 19, how he should have 29. Yep you're right Saga.
- m0d: o'amiga :)
- rob is oud
- 2009-04-16
- Friendship rules!
- maaliscious :)
- 2009-04-18
- ### ping, pong ###
- 2009-04-19
- 7!
- 5040
- 2009-04-26
- stage7?
- gnite people!
- 2009-04-27
- 2009-10-24
- System shutting down
- 2010-02-10
- epik tracne
- 2010-02-14
- 2010-04-05
- shit I've uploaded the wrong results NFO file (of the 2009)
- rydi: no, isn't correct: I've uploaded the 2009 results in the 2010 breakpoint party, cause I've seen that file convinct that they was the 2010 results.
- 2010-10-03
- maybe your parents was using PET
- 2010-10-11
- Eatin Bounty! mmm...