the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2003-10-10
"the box" -> cenobites -> death
- 2003-10-18
hasn't anyone ever heard of proper backing up?
- 2003-10-19
ulvotaan nyt vähän kolakuullee.... aaaarrrgh!!!
- 2003-10-28
we need to start a 'get optimus laid as quick as humanly possible' - fund immediately... this is getting too weird otherwise...
- 2003-10-29
"Doctors had never suspected a link between the act of fellatio and breast cancer..." ... the mind boggles...
- 2003-11-06
inside every optimus there's a scener waiting to get a life
- 2003-11-10
simulaatio2 rocked
...: word..
not at all.... =)
- 2003-11-11
i guess they're just playing oneliner CS?
- 2003-11-19
los cohones grandes y un toro loco!
- 2003-11-21
it came from the deep
- 2003-11-25
who the fuck is that green-haired guy anyway?
i sense a disturbance in the force...
- 2003-11-30
activator: probably for the exact same reason why all the other top10 prods are still top10 prods...
- 2003-12-08
a new coup de coeur might be nice...
- 2003-12-11
.I wanna be a Kennedy!
- 2003-12-14
so it seems... now lets see how the plot goes on from here...
- 2003-12-16
weyland yutani: for a concise description, see:
- 2003-12-20
kill the klone
- 2004-02-01
why won't optimus shut the fuck up?
- 2004-02-05
- is back \o/
leia: noticed that but the damn oneliner didn't let me post twice in a row;-)
- 2004-02-10
was this information that we absolutely need to know?