the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-03-11
How do I deleted ntoskrnl.exe? Linux Mint Live CD saved me yet again.
- 2009-03-13
- that a BITS thumb up at the bottom?
- 2009-03-17
Hip Hop Producer Timbaland Lands Deal To Make Beat-Making Video Game -beat-making-video-game/
- 2009-03-18
say ooh la la la
- 2009-03-20
eheh =)
eheh passei o dia de volta de um storyboard para uma demo =)
ja respondi que quero ajudar com isso assim que os meus pcs me deixarem. se esta bp corre o risco de ser a ultima entao tenho mesmo de contribuir!
- 2009-03-23
are there demopaja tutorials out there?
I just wanted to make something relatively quick and in real-time
Yep, and my coding skills are nonexistent
Need moar HBC please!
- is the fail whale familiar to anyone else?
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-03-27
- this one's better =D
- there should be a realtime version of this with the popular demo guy
- 2009-03-29
ps, I'm about to leave for Coimbra. I son't have your phone number but I'll try to contact you when I get there (ok, keep on onelining)
- 2009-04-02
there seem to be gradually less and less shenanigans there
I don't actually have a PS3, the comment was based on what my friends tell me. They haven't logged on in a while.
[allowing you to write the rest of the sentence]
Well, it should. From what I've seen so far it should change in order to attract people. It just seems product-placement land. Plus, you have to download and update it.
- 2009-04-11
xrl, knees once more because I can't be there and do the same
I think I just witnessed the new SCEISSE. Just wait and see.
zoom, I feel your pain