the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-10-02
someone reads :D
have you blown out your connection with one of those rockets you made?
- 2007-10-03
it wasn't extremely wrong as you might see.
- 2007-10-05
nigga stole my avatar, nigga please
trying to get in a coffee coma?
- 2007-10-06
real niggaz don't say girl biatch...
- 2007-10-11
ah molto bello
- 2007-10-12
tu peux fermer ta bouche qui bavarde vraiment bof
- 2007-10-20
reed and deer are for jazz musicians
- 2007-10-23
tomorrow Budapest will die.
- 2007-10-28
- 2007-11-03
la francaphonie a vos lollies
- 2007-11-20
bad bad imbusy you have school tomorrow!
- 2008-01-10
stage7, Ferris, p01, irokos & el-topo: eed.
- 2008-02-04
is hes b4lls heavy?
- 2008-02-16
When I was 3, I designed oneliner not to be bbcode and unicode friendly since I knew there will be some guy called Joghurt would invent them for jazz musicians!
- 2008-02-19
here's a way to fuck vista up, put your computer into high performance mode with default settings for the power scheme while the power cable is still plugged, close the lid, when computer sleeps plug out the power cable, congratulations you will wake up
- 2008-02-26
wii hacking is for jazz musicians
- 2008-03-05
it was just your imagination, internet doesn't exist, it's a consipracy!
- 2008-03-24
demo compo exactly sucked
yet another last day of freezepoint :(
- 2008-06-03
Most people including myself have some sex life
im the master of the intarwebz!!!!111