the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-08-09
- erotomaniacs
- 2013-08-10
- bullshiting even birth day.
- evil lobster. lobster crisis.
- lobsters go to work, meet a sea-star and harrass her. sea-star was freelance at home.
- 2013-08-12
- psychiatrist's sound.
- egyptian pax
- imagine, psychiatrists here fantasm to the slunderings of poor minded even I was abused I should be more in their thoughts. Perverts ! they hallucinate me and they say : we have gives from gods; like cathars. my time machine is a reality.
- the secret of the cave is something I should consider different.
- 2013-08-14
- it's buggy on IE10
- 2013-08-17
- fantasms are people shitting.
- 2013-08-26
- pouet do not work on IE10, actually...
- 2013-08-28
- hell again.
- 2013-08-29
- legend&gargaj: can you explain me how to bypass fxc.exe ?
- legen: how new version of refleXions can help me ? my email: I'm ready to know and impatient !
- fxc compile an effect to an obj file. in DX9 there are functions to compile, but in DX10 or DX11 I do not know equivalent for D3DXCreateEffect(). it's because I use my own HL to ASM in my lib, and I have only to create and effect as I've done already.
- hArdy: is D3DCompile() works on all kind of data: vsh, psh, fx ?
- 2013-08-31
- legal hallucinations : do not eat, do not sleep, suffer from pains.
- 2013-09-01
- intelligent people do not seek others.
- 2013-09-02
- 13:37
- 2013-09-03
- we all make shits.
- 2013-09-04
- une vérité : les gros laids m'hallucinaient par calomnies et comme j'ai des atouts génétiques, ils ont prétendu vouloir oeuvrer en m'abusant pour faire leurs mômes "améliorés", du coup, leurs mômes ne leur ressemblent plus et ils abusent à nouveau en prétendant que s'ils sont laids ce serait de ma f
- ...faute ! le pire c'est que pour que leurs perversions narcissiques ne conduisent pas à des troubles bipolaires, ils se sentent obligés de les marquer avec des idées de merde...
- camembert is not fashion anymore !
- 2013-09-05
- psychiatrists are the bullshits.
- 2013-09-07
- اما