the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-07-06
- Yes, it returned back. Compos soon?
- dunno, iam watching Dihalt compos while waiting:
- Hey, now I sort of watch both. While eating pizza, drinking beer and writting on my blog :)
- and some productions from Silesia Party 7 is streaming in:
- 2013-07-07
- Nearly 3am, and I start to wonder if typing "sudo rm -rf /" was really a good idea :(
- Nearly 4:15 am, and i realize you just breakup with your filesystem :( what next?
- I'm that guy on the internet.
- Sorry, finns punching Reindeer in the ass....Can't find a comment suitable for that.
- deus: well, the reindeer just got a bit frightened
- Demos are glorified lavalamps, discuss.
- that explains the metaballs fetish
- metaballs and brown liquid
- time for a scroller on the lavalamp
- Lavalambs!
- The Silence of the Lavalambs
- DICE of the Lavalambs
- Sinclair Amiga 520
- Pouet 500
- The Three Poueteers
- The Good, the Ugly and the Pouet
- Di:Halt pre-results: rum-results/
- Pouet Reloaded
- Lord of the Trolls: Return of the Pouet