the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2003-08-30
but, the yes side think its funny vote yes.. so why dont let them vote more than once?
get a # cause you need it to rgb
- 2003-09-02
mempheria: noway, you have a cute arse!
optimus cant internet
- 2003-09-09
- 2003-11-02
running linux are you?
- 2003-11-19
All your onelines are belong to Optimus
- 2003-12-16
a dos emulator
- 2003-12-23
Merry Xmas TOMCAT!
- 2004-01-10
Nazimarches rocks, they always tend to prove how undemocratic the society really is :)
The point was that people always nag about that they are doing manifests.. Usually in sweden we have lots of antidemonstration kiddies wich thinks democracy is about fighting with people with other political standpoints.
Gargaj, actions of racism is not very democratic imo, but the ideology behind it is indeed. Iam myself a very big racist.
Iam a racist in following groups: Americans and Jews etc
- 2004-01-11
Ehh, according to that resultlist you only won one compo, i guess your english isnt as good as your realtimeshortstories.
Ohh she said that? no i dont think so, i bet its a bug in your webbrowser! (darkus *ehem*)
- 2004-04-05
ps: i told you so
- 2004-05-13
ps to irc yes
- 2004-05-24
Le Petit Gourmet says...Put a delicious Peyote in your mouth
Fillbert: Die
- 2004-06-01
wtf is <button> for a html tag? ;)
- 2004-06-16
- 2004-06-18
Today we celebrate Uday
- 2004-06-22
RadMan: You are soooo dead
- 2004-06-23
i want the bottom ten instead, it would circle nicely since they wont stay there for long :-)