the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-05-22
- 2024-05-30
- party x leben vinyl status: ordered
- 2024-06-25
- does the scene need to be subdivided?
- 2024-08-21
- some demotools went commercial and the sceners with it, i guess?
- 2024-08-29
- Demoscenes is the name of the Lost Dialogue of Plato, so I've been told.
- 2024-09-04
- while normal boozedrome content makes my head go boom in about 2 minutes this one does it in less than half.
- 2024-09-05
- maybe let them index all the text they want but if they request images just deliver a screenshot of hete dance actie?
- 2024-09-21
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- 2024-09-26
- as long as theres an option to post stuff somewhere people will do it and if its in some prod comment. if you remove all of them people will do it elsewhere. this can be wanted (see demozoo) but it wont be such a community as it is now (see demozoo)
- 2024-10-03
- wolfenstein called ans wants their ubersoldat back!
- 2024-10-04
- pacman gave me nightmares of ghosts chasing me through endless monotone labyriinths so be carefull with that!
- 2024-10-09
- its all britney spears fault, actually
- kthxbye NOFX!
- 2024-10-22
- do not underestimate the amount of trouble one has to go through to keep fax alive in the age of voip and sip.
- 2024-11-12
- der schotte! der schotte mit dem bart!
- 2024-11-21
- but but what about d-bug disks??
- 2024-11-22
- fun fact: we had a starlink antenna for nordlicht but its connection sucked due to dropouts so we ended up using the open wifi with instead.
- go figure