the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-05-03
- ### 20100503: police report: illegal neighbors, converting to spectra, invading Home, stealing and violating. ###
- 2010-05-09
- ### 20100509: Police report: memetics invading Home and usurpating parents. Illegal insertion of drugs into Home. Illegal insertion of substance into body. Illegal insertion of blood capsule into nostril. ###
- ### 20100509: Police Report: illegal invasion by neighbor and illegal spying of private information. ###
- It is some neighbors without education and too much power and too much money. They don't know what to do, and come insult to my neighborhood.
- 2010-05-12
- ### 20100512: Police report: chinese powers of Alice, and time enlargements or bags, teleporting and transforming, etc are not existent and not desired. Please, use only in the far Orient. ###
- 2010-05-15
- ### 20100515: police report: illegal violation of body and private space. Invasion of Home and manipulation of body. All the time, although adverted not to do it. Illegal smell to simia. ###
- ### 20100515: Please, remove telepathic power, as it is dangerous. ###
- ### 20100515: police report: illegal neighbors spying illegally into Home and private space. ###
- ### 20100515: police report: illegal smell to dog, and I have no dog at Home. ###
- 2010-05-17
- ### 20100516: Police Report: telepathy is STEALTH of LIFE and private information. Only required for criminals and assassins. ###
- 2010-05-21
- ### 20100520: police report: disconnect telepathic intercommunication (mind to mind). Thanks. ###
- ### 20100521: police report: threatenning of assassination, harrasings, violations of Home Intimacy and Privacy. Illegal spying. Illegal telepathy and other paranormal powers. ###
- 2010-05-22
- ### 20100522: police report: possible sexual violation over the multi speed of the V.R. ###
- ### 20100522: police report: illegal sounds into head and ear. ###
- ### 20100522: police report: illegal manipulation of leg. ###
- 2010-05-25
- ### 20100525: police report: invasion of Home and peeing of Home illegally. Possibly a sexual violation. ###
- 2010-05-28
- ### 20100525: police report: illegal neighbors spying into Home and private space. Illegal usurpation of (dead) parents. ###
- 2010-05-30
- ### 20100530: police report: illegal invasion of Home and violation of smell with shit and pee smell. ILLEGAL VIOLATION. ###
- 2010-06-01
- ### 20100531: police report: neighbors spying over telepathic means into Home and Privacy. Illegally. ###
- 2010-06-03
- ### 20100603: Police Report: illegal neighbors and spectral beings invading Home and private space. Telepathic beings insulting and harrasing. ###
- 2010-06-04
- ### 20100604: Police Report: illegal violation with soap and shit taste and smell. Illegal invasion of Private space (Home) by spectral beings. ###
- 2010-06-05
- ### 20100605: Police Report: illegal itching of skin over telepathy. Illegal threats of stealth. ###
- 2010-06-08
- ### 2010608: Police Report: illegal neighbors spying day and night, years long, into Home intimacy illegally. Commenting what they watch of the private sphere. ###
- 2010-06-10
- ### 20100610: Police Report: invasion of Home by spectral beings, illegal power of telepathy and illegal taste in mouth when waking up. ###
- TELEPATHY is ONLY for Criminals, Mads or Super Heros or underminded persons.