the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-05-01
- aehm...tell me what you drink and i'll tell you who you are... beer or wine? wine rox!
- 2002-05-12
- MF!: have you drunk human adrenaline? :)
- 2002-05-15
- relax and close your eyes all...
- 2002-05-29
- please get to ng: vote for keeping it alive!!! pleeeease!!!
- just replay: fill in with [SI] in the "voto" field, and [your_email] in the "email" field...easy
- 2002-06-01
- i feel like the saudi arabia goalkeeper...
- 2002-06-03
- i'm compelled to cut my left leg's hair...tomorrow they'll operate my meniscus... dammit i love my hair too much :(
- 2002-06-05
- my meniscus now floats in a physiological solution...but my frontcross legamentus has mostly gone, too... dammit
- 2002-06-06
- ryg: whining rox
- 2002-06-11
- optimus: is yours a female-scene-db or a top-model photobook?
- 2002-07-04
- stycchio, a me logga :P
- 2002-07-06
- lameness is coolness
- 2002-07-29
- downloading demos with a 56k connection again makes me sick... and drives me crazy if it wasn't worth the download...
- 2002-10-23
- chemistry is like cooking
- 2002-11-07
- suggest me some good intro! :P
- 2002-11-08
- uf
- 2002-12-14
- old holborne tobacco makes me sick like a spider
- 2003-01-08
- i can't read neither code (even if i released at tUM a few days ago))
- 2003-03-10
- tomcat: the scene will become something else, at least
- 2003-03-20
- us army was going to enter iraq even if saddam went away... nice ultimatum. not aut-aut but et-et.
- 2003-03-21
- corporatism. sure. the so called third way out of socialism and capitalism.
- 2003-03-23
- friendly fire always kills english soldiers.
- 2003-03-28
- drink meccacola
- 2003-04-11
- rulz. erasmus-socrates program. maybe me too :) sooner or later
- 2003-04-15
- i want to see great entries at bp03, at least from my home since i won't be there...