the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-07-08
- time is to upgrade from ym to sndh ?
- 2013-07-10
- Those lemmings... bunch of dumbass ter-suicide-watch_n_3542770.html
- Who is farting? i'll call the FBI right now for that!
- time is to sleep into the deep. night'
- 2013-07-11
- Hahaha i wanna kill all those fucking bastard who work for the SNCF. Then i'll eat their still bleeding heart lol
- 2013-07-20
- alcohol + drugs does not allow to see the future
- 2013-07-28
- you make me want
- 2013-07-29
- Paris, France, 2013, ... unable to have a good and STABLE f*cking internet connection, even with the fiber ..
- 2013-07-31
- "doctor doctor, i wanna stop smoking and get a life" "hmm, it's vacation time..." "oh i see..."
- timetravel very soon possible with illicotravel :] no no, not my ass
- 2013-08-05
- set path=%path%;C:\devkitPro\msys\bin
- ++++++++[>+>++>+++>++++>+++++>++++++>+++++++>++++++++> ;+++++++++>++++++++++>+++++++++++>++++++++++++>+++++++++++++>+++++ +++++++++>+++++++++++++++>++++++++++++++++<<<<<<<<& lt;<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>+++.--.-<<<< <<>>>>>>+++.---<<<<<<>>>>&g t;>+++.---<<<<<<>>>>>>>-.+<<<& lt;<<<. my first bf :)))
- 2013-08-14
- the vertical writing is now allowed on pouet 2.0 \o/
- 2013-08-16
- The value in this demo is not in seeing it run, but in the code itself. (from a sdk that show how it work). <3
- 2013-08-18
- Wiiiiiii :)
- Each day i hate google more and more. What, MUST BE registered on Google+ to post a comment for something on google play. Please delete internet..
- 2013-09-01
- Attention xor?
- 2013-09-12
- TomoAlien: My solution is to listen hours of trackers then pick the one who fit well with the visual ^^ Ok ok i'm gonna out.
- I'm afraid to be bashed too. I don't ask anymore cause i never know if i'll finish what i'm working on and i feel conscious. I'm sure the Pouet will help you ;) night all
- fuck my broken english i feel bad when i ask someone to make something for me because i never use it. RaHoW if you read this shame on me!
- 2013-09-17
- Did you mean the colonies on TITAN?
- 2013-09-18
- Moon is very good :) oh wait i'm late.
- 2013-11-05
- 8 bits punks is now on the onliner
- 2014-01-01
- I wish you an happy new year 2014.
- 2014-03-05
- Listening all YM from Ultrasyd <