the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2022-12-30
- spkr: and this will affect the RAM
- They just play the disk and animate the load
- spkr: plz load it all to ram and play the demo, kthxbye
- 2022-12-31
- Load it all to fake chipram and play the demo
- What
- Do you play the new year once it's in RAM? Is it just a year player?
- spkr: do you mean they load it all to RAM and replay the demo?!?
- 2023-01-01
- Emoon: so we basically do nothing in 2023 then?
- 2023-01-03
- Work week has been loaded to RAM and is ready to be played. Programmers can just sit and relax, the player will do the job for them (right?)
- 2023-01-10
- spkr: so you load the cables to RAM and you know the rest
- 2023-01-13
- You load the tortoise to RAM and play the demo
- 2023-01-23
- Spkr: Blueberry loaded it all to RAM and played the demo, didn't he?
- 2023-01-26
- Load all the (void (*)(void)) to RAM and play the demo
- 2023-01-27
- So you load it all to the VCR and play the presentation?
- 2023-02-20
- You load the Amiga demo icon to RAM and play the demo#
- 2023-02-24
- Havoc: you're just jealous because they did not include you in The Pornos demo
- So you load it all to Okkie's Amiga RAM and you play the demo
- 2023-03-12
- Faraday /|\
- 2023-03-13
- You load the retrogaming music to Yahama Tyros 3's RAM and you play the demo
- yahamaha
- 2023-03-15
- Rudi: thanks for the better quality video captures
- 2023-03-16
- Rudi <3
- 2023-03-21
- Don't assume...
- 2023-04-11
- So you load the subpixel blitter shenanigans to RAM and you play the demo?
- 2023-04-20
- With Pouet's new season pass, you'll earn 20% more Glops and you'll get a free subpixel Blitter sticker