the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-04-08
- adok: if you want it to be accessible easily, then html is a good way to go. Or package it with an emulator so it's cross-platform compatible ;)
- 2013-04-10
- pantovers: see how your demo looks with pants ON
- we need EVILBOT raymarchandising too
- 2013-04-11
- Don't listen the ADHD people.
- h0ffman: yes, also aka 'rktic', which is how you'll find him on twitter
- 2013-04-18
- even if travelling FTL means you'll have infinite energy, and since e=mc2 you'll be infinitely heavy and collapse into a black hole?
- 2013-04-20
- No idea, I've never licked one.
- 2013-04-23
- Bugo: One line only on the one-liner! Final warning!
- nah, 640x480 is enough for anyone.
- "Unfortunately, this German-music-content is not available outside Germany because GEMA has not granted the respective music publishing rights."
- 2013-04-25
- Agreed. But then the vast majority of games are considerably worse ;)
- 2013-04-28
- 2013-05-01
- tigrou: it's a huge military base in afghanistan. I'm sure a lot of the military vehicles have dashboard video cameras running all the time, so events like this tend to get captured. E.g.
- wind control? I get you. You fart loudly in an embarrassing situation, and you blame it on a poltergeist. Better than blaming it on the dog.
- 2013-05-02
- memcpy/memcmp. So similar. Not helpful when you get the wrong one inside a really complex loop, and assume the loop is wrong ;(
- 2013-05-03
- I'm growing raspberries. Not planning to browse pouet with them though. Might make pie.
- 2013-05-08
- ah, nothing like a good rant :)
- 2013-05-16
- okkie: that would be a tape jockey. There's also the more traditional jockey that DJs with a pair of horses.
- 2013-05-31
- all we need is love, woop-de-fucking-doo.
- 2013-06-03
- barti: here is the answer:
- 2013-06-04
- graga: i'm about to approach that exact same problem, let me know if you find some good info. I think momentum should be easy enough, but overscroll bounce?
- 2013-06-06
- RMB = Right Most Bit, SMB = Smallest Meanest Bit, MMB = Middle Most Bit and LMB = Least Most Bit. Useful for new coders to learn.
- How come 'demoish objects' is residue but 'demoish videos' is off topic? Objects are more demoish than video ffs!
- 2013-06-07
- time is to mime bitcoin on the oneliner
- 2013-06-10
- if it's same day, same shit, remember you decide what to do in your life, you must enjoy it if you're going back to it every day :)