the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2006-12-02
a lot of emo's here
- 2006-12-09
any one here who knows how to .... ?
- 2007-10-31
Hello all! Long time no see!
uh yes, mainstream sucks and it will suck more and more! Meanwhile I improved my composing & tracker skills.
I did not run away, I just improved my weakness.
German people always have problem with English. WHY?
im in the mood for TRACKING mwhuahuahua fkcu all
I know where your house live!
uns3en_ hahahahaha yes my shit :) ON TOP! THE FUTURE IS NEARBY!
uns3en_ soon in a chipdisk you will see a real big fucking section awarded to the the biggest faggots I ever saw!
I know, I have a sort of problem with my behaviour. Like Im not normal. You would beg me to shut up. The IQ tests are always drunk not me.
Whoops I had to turn the table on an other speed, wanna try again? Whats that Engrish? Sounds like Jewish. Or Fetish.
And now ... best part of this scroller ... can you guess it??? YES, here are the FUCKINGZ a.k.a Hell of Shame ... the fuckings are awarded to the following faggots ... *** $%^$%^$ ... YES pron with children does affect your mind ... you are the proof ...
the full Fucking Award, I censored the names for now.
Hell has room for all! Dont forget that
Hmm frencies, they who have destructed Africa. Fucking racists.
durex is a brand of condoms but for the mans who have a small one they use a waterbaloon
(message uns3en) you son of a silly PARSE-on! you have being watching me for a long time
Even my ass looks better then your face.
hou je mond voor ik je ga insmeren met honing en je helemaal ...
I like you!
Go to hell you serious sack of nothing. Be not serious or else the cat legion will invade your country.
das epas fijn
Een grote hoop poep REMBO EN REMBO