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the so complete pouët.net oneliner
noby: yes exactly. On one hand it makes me wonder why I bother trying... on the other it makes me want to try harder...
Agreed. I can't sum up all my thoughts in the one liner but I really believe this is the direction demos need to go in the future to stay relevant both in and outside the demoscene.
It certainly doesn't need to be realistic, but it needs to be fresh and have some appeal other than just being "demoish".
Just something as simple as not forcing in awkward greetings and credits scenes makes a big difference to immersion. It's brave to break tradition and it shows that it works.
From another perspective it is safe to fall back on cliches and tropes. Trying new things is risky but rewarding when it pays off.
There has been a lot of these themes in short films and cinema the last few years. The influences maybe broad or subconscious.
Make a pouet 64k to celebrate.
Someone better upload something cool for 64k prod number, not some shit old crack intro.
anyone else on the assembly mailing list get spam email from kebby?
No it's ok Kebby it went straight into my spam folder anyway I only just noticed it today. No big deal.
Is this conversation serious or some kind of public performance art piece?
I would like to know more about Oneliner
Oh Noby I didn't check my mail recently, been very sick last week.
4 different programmers were credited in the demo itself, none of those people were the authors of the shaders
I guess they just wanted to use the most unnecessarily complicated way possible to compile other peoples shaders.
Doesn't appear to be even using vulkan either. Code seems to be one of the tutorials from http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/
I can't say for 100% that there isn't some line of code somewhere which was done in asm but it all looks like c/c++ to me. It is definitely loading the vc dll's and using c intrinsic functions and such.
The real demo is in the oneliner?
Could be social commentary in the form of a satirical demo. Like Ekspert and NextEmpire.
Can't spell Conspiracy without piracy!
Should form an international demo commitee and have regular drug testing. Test for demo enhancing substances.