the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2005-08-22
- las: you are an arrogant fuck "the winning 4k" get a life
- kisses and hugs ;P
- microsoft is killing all standards... look at opengl :( retarded bastards
- thats how dx mofos look like ;)
- dick in your anus for that O_o
- 2005-08-27
- cum on me beautiful
- 2005-08-28
- evoke brought us some kick ass releases \o/
- 2005-08-29
- 2005-09-10
- lastschrift
- fist yourself o\
- 2005-09-11
- xeron: so you wish to be a chick? :P
- 2005-09-13
- dick-fisting
- somone please delete those ultralame stuff :(
- 2005-09-14
- i dont love you. well depends do you look hot are female?
- scene is dead
- 2005-09-16
- svenska animal knullar!!!!111
- 2005-09-17
- las las las las las las las <3
- dick me beautiful
- 2005-09-19
- a new colorscheme would be nice indeed. but i guess no one has time for it. something greyish with orange font would be desinish :P <3
- 2005-09-25
- also nice one :)
- 2005-09-28
- kindisch ihr noobs
- 2005-10-11
- only total lamers and noobs need more than 4k
- 2005-10-15
- cracktro making is gay
- 2005-10-31
- pornblowjobfistfuckingcumwhoresprutluderknullartyska2muareallsick