the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-07-23
tufft! men är det inte lite ont om kött på dom?
ja, det säger ju en del ;)
- 2002-07-25
"bumpmapping looks ugly in hardwarerendering." - macaw 2002
why? pixelshaders tend to do the trick.. all hw bumpmapping ive seen is nicer than software one.. in realtime.. and even raytraced vs hw is quite minimal difference.. if done correctly that is.. i can agree dot3 on gf2 sucks due to it lacks one texture st
- 2002-07-26
macaws mother has bigger dick than macaw
- 2002-08-06
peggy> mazys page
- 2002-08-07
only lamers survives bzm
- 2002-08-13
iam sad today coz memph is sad about peggy is lazy coz gamma is doing him to slowly
its never the computer faults! always the user!
does he fuck nurses?
peggy> check your email, proof for a bzm night ;-)
- 2002-08-14
i wanna point out that The Swedes are rocking diehard :)
- 2002-08-18
the swedes rocks on ;-)
8 Millions Swedes cannot be wrong: The Swedes rocks
- 2002-08-19
wild doesnt have a platform, thats what so wild about it
russia has AND, so noone else has a chance to win anyway =)
- 2002-08-21
stefancrs stole my logo (:
i can stick the .psd ehm i mean the pixeled original up your ass!
steffo, you have the .psd? :-) damn ! >D
sonnet will make you gay.
- 2002-08-22
activator is just a lamer anyways :)
noxs> its not like anyone has acctually really quitted the scene sofar ;-)
i hope that was 32bits :)
you seem not to understand the basic facts of RGB mixing
- 2002-08-23