the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2009-03-04
Try going out with friends and do fun stuff... :)
He's not wasting my time. Scene snobs are...
Scene snobs == people contiuosly bashing on BITS.
Well BITS is not exactly the best prods I've seen (tho I've seen worse) but they're still demos and deserve to be here, wether or not you think they suck.
If we were to remove all prods that someone think sucks, then I'd figure we'll be left with only April in Paris. ;)
Decipher: And such acts would be what, being ultra productive, doing his thing, having very detailed comments on others prods?
Well then, have a blast purging the cracktro section if you hate dupes so much.
Much like the PFP-ports then I imagine (no offense Spot, really). But nobody seems to care that he asks for donations in his nfo files. (Though I definately understand why he does it...)
That's a good non-snob solution
No, saying that it should be removed because it's not good enough, or it's lame and doesn't deserve to be here is snobbery. If you don't like it, just ignore it. That's a pretty mature way of handling it, instead of some people just going up in flame
...s every time they see a bits-prod.
Which is what people are doing to bits
Puryx: The scene is like a country club, you can't just walk in with fucked up jeans an flip flops and start a bbq there. Snobbery at its best!
I'm talking production wise Puryx
I for one would'nt care if he renamed the same prod a thousand times. I'd probably just loose interrest after the first time...
And he should be allowed to put his one-effect "shit" here, even if a majority think they suck.
The snobbing is that many people think that BITS does not belong here, just because they think BITS suck, and actually have asked for the prods to be removed.
What are you dense? The problem is that people CONTINUE to ask to have them removed. So what if they haven't been?
Uhhh... /me faints at stupidity. Later haters...
Pfff yeah banning people for having an opinion isn't snobbery...
Either way isn't very democratic. But nice of you to admit it...
People complaining at Snobbery Awards
- 2009-03-06
- 2009-03-07
>> Death - Lack of Comprehension