the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-06-19
- :) … btw:
- 2024-06-20
- If it’s free, then you’re the product.
- Destroy. Google. Now.
- F*cking barbarians.
- Or the imperial march of Tramiels arrival.
- 2024-06-22
- I wish I had a C128 tho
- 2024-06-26
- Wait, you trying to tell me the neanderthals DIDN’T invent knitting?
- “evidence is that even today most clothing comes from east asia” 🤣
- 2024-06-29
- No, he thought those were typewriters.
- 2024-06-30
- Attention. Platitude swap in progress.
- 2024-07-01
- The audio diversity of sample player. Wha?
- 2024-07-02
- SID > POKEY > AY > Paula
- You’ll replace them both with AI. Coders later.
- 2024-07-03
- Leave only the drunkest sceners with 0 releases.
- 2024-07-07
- “why? Dunno, it's fun.” - It’s such fun to burn a few households annual worth of power.
- Vogon Constructor Fleet please proceed according to schedule.
- Vive la France!
- 2024-07-08
- …kissing baboons in the jungle…
- 2024-07-09
- Uwe can seek back&forth thru a live stream
- Dogma demo consuming level 0.5 = forget YouTube
- 2024-07-10
- Isn’t there an “opt out” tag?
- “Botty in behaviour”: what a perfect teenage punk band name
- 2024-07-19
- “Crackerworld” is mentioned as a setting in which demos get made. Interesting.