the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-10-11
- who drink vodka like beers?
- watching a demo, having a vodka, russian style. true? true. 8)
- 2000-10-12
- spanish demoScene RULEZZ!!!
- (!)buuurp
- russian wazza
- I need to sleep
- moi à mon bisounours, je lui fais des bisous...
- 2000-10-13
- have fun
- Good morning everyone
- the ricoree friend !!!
- 2000-10-14
- I'm gonna get pissed!!
- kromiset by mfx rocks !! WATCH IT NOW !!
- can we have fun now?
- yes you can, watch kromiset
- whassa kromiset?!
- use yellow crayon with wallpaper
- I watched it already, I added it 8)
- [hplus] cl:ck
- hplus te2rb metamorf paimen megablast :: respect
- ..and kasparov.. don't forget kasparov.. 8)
- 2000-10-15
- wazaaaa
- kasparov is only a demo not a piece of art
- et vous aimez la country music ? =)
- finaly, some action :)
- Elitgroup: we are very bad