the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-08-03
- evil: Actually, it was the same problem on my PC so I'm supporting Okkie in the "files are b0rked"-theory :)
- quite on-topic: capped often stutters in full screen too; dual core 1.66ghz should be enough, or is my system fucked?
- capped studders in fullscreen due to flash scaling. I've been too lazy to update the player code so it can use gpu scaling. ;p As a side note, capped's view counter is currently broken.
- Works on my Wasp T-12
- ### rape of the sense of smell over telepathy ###
- src: they work, hard and fast. problem is they don't allow people to keep the pace on the software side
- 2008-08-04
- Most people including myself have some sensibility
- ### Telepathy could kick smell sense any day... well, depending on the strength. "Moving a thumbtack" abilities are fairly useless ###
- ### that's telekinetics fool! ###
- Does anyone have some sort of IA32 asm quick reference?
- __declspec(fuckoffstroustrup)
- @@@ illegal siege over telepathy @@@
- xernobyl: Search for IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference
- I have that here, but I wanted a tiny thing just to have a look from time to time...
- This is the day, guys. Raid with telepathic power on humanity is planned to 10 august 2008.
- fartoid
- xernobyl: something like a list of commands?
- Something like ? There's also the hlp file that comes with masm32, but it's not complete.
- hang up your thetans, earthlings !
- 2008 : Year of the glow shader
- It thought that was 2005 already or so.. maybe even 2004?
- Except every demo and their grandmother uses it now. Then again, my memory is short so you may be right.
- every demo used it in 2004 as well, but then it possibly wasn't a shader :)