the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2014-04-02
better get used to it, they are getting more trigger-happy every day
- 2014-04-03
ehhh, time to visit a shrink
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-05-23
- s_2014/bp21.jpg
- 2014-05-29
- 2014-06-13
2 going, it's going to be BUSY
- 2014-06-17
- 2014-06-18
_/-\0_ _0/-\_
- 2014-06-20
praise seitan!
- 2014-06-22
брат, взять холод таблетки
- 2014-06-23
UK vs Ruslandia: 1 - 0
- 2014-06-26
optimus is back 👹
- 2014-06-27
- 2014-07-24
if one feels nostalgic and wants to do some 1998ish software rendering, what platform is recommended? RasPi?
Gargaj: Thanks. I'm surprised I cannot find any physical mini "dosbox" systems.
An option, indeed. My preference would be an x86 cpu. Maybe the way to go is to get a mini/nano-itx and run linux.
Haha, that is it! :)
- 2014-07-25
I wish someone voted from the rooftope in russia.
I couldn't care less about that.
- 8incl._2nd_Chechen_conflict.29
To say I don't care because I don't live there means you don't know me. I do care. And you are right of course. Just venting some frustrations.
So we just leave it as it as and look the other way.
Btw, I went for a RasPi :)
- 2014-07-30
una hora di mierda mas
Cyanide certainly isn't.