the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-12-03
- 3LN = 1*TLA
- 2011-12-07
- 2011-12-23
- OMG: NYAN - Not Yet Another Nyan - Not Yet Another Nyan - it's infinite recursion...
- 2012-01-19
- i... because you forget what the code did when you start reading pouet. in the end you will delete the code to write it again => negative :-)
- 2012-01-21
- eine mett im kornfeld, zwichen blumen und grass
- 2012-01-23
- Nothing else metters
- 2012-01-30
- no one finds our shit interesting. just live with it and quit trying to trendyfy it into something it cannot be. word!
- 2012-02-11
- @Elude: Oh noes. Please no Amigas again in 4k Oldschool're too unfair
- 2012-02-23
- Mittwoch++
- 2012-03-08
- @FreeFall: It's a test if can figure out one of the correct URLs by applying simple mathematics
- 2012-03-09
- REMEBER: velesoft with external ram should run close to 6mhz
- 2012-04-05
- if garfield was a criminal, we would purchase him until afghanistan.
- 2012-04-06
- Packing my stuff together, see you all at the Party place - Ataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaari!
- That's essentially the im my case :-)
- 2012-04-07
- Sick like hell after 1 day of Revision - I hope I can attend again tomorrow or at least on Monday.
- 2012-04-09
- Variform 2 is not a demo - it's an audio visual crime
- 2012-04-19
- if i was a demo coder, we would see something nice at Revision 2013
- 2012-05-06
- Did Laetitia Raycasta date Fidel Raycastro?
- 2012-05-21
- American Pi 3.1415926535897932..
- 2012-09-15
- Found the backup after 1h - and it was from 2011. Spent 2h trying to undelete this #!'"§'"§! file. No luck. Now found the backup from last month- it was simply on the wrong drive. I'm happy, and tired. Phew.
- 2012-11-01
- a\nb
- 2012-11-25
- Avery Lee is my hero of the day. Altirra and VirtualDub rule!
- 2012-12-10
- The scene - slowly dying since 1977!
- 2012-12-22
- Which Amiga demo if this tune from?
- Thumbed, thx!