the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-05-04
- "poeta, tylko głowa nie ta..."
- 2023-05-05
- increasing number of transistors, increasing numbers in versions - actual progress zero (or even regress).
- how to progress by regress? by regressing some, then the others are regressing (A. Einstein - inventor of philosophy of relativism) [according to some...]
- ... and you are PROGRESSING!!! [obviously relatively and that's what quasi-thinkers likes most]
- kill the death!
- Hi, my name is Toby Jackoruzi and you should know it is essential for the bass player to know tapping, hammering and fingering techniques. Listen and carry on: flip, flop, flip, flop...
- 2023-05-06
- ... and I am also fed up by beggars begging for my anger. anywhere and everywhere.
- it's sado-maso baby, and G in second iteration. SMGG and proceeding with Gs. Better quit jobs dudes...
- Dreamolers - Dream! Or else...
- 2023-05-07
- spokój!!!!
- Boo! German!
- mainliner, everytimer...
- 2023-05-11
- I've been waiting, I'm still waiting, for some better eyeRich songs or cunt ragged of employment...
- 2023-05-12
- cepy dla umarlaków!
- 2023-05-13
- Renoise has sample drawing too, and it doesn't affect anything, 'cos it's me that told it...
- buehehehe! 8] - preXenium Aperitif Party 2002 - Łódź, PL -
- 2023-05-14
- seriously, wherever I go, there are still beggars begging for my anger... and they're not leaving. what a soc-shit...
- some dudes stick to my shit, fly around it like a flies and honk. are they e-scatologists?
- -hey! poet! say a poem! -"marzec to miesiąc marzeń, w miesiącu marcu Marzena marzy." -what a repetitive bunch of pol-shit! [oneliner moved to residue, 'cause of poet stalking Marzena]
- 2023-05-15
- saboteurs - parasitic excrescence surrounding digestive tract
- seem like I have to start posing as for 40 year olds in 1997. I'm not 40 with my attitude... someone have rag-suit to borrow? could be janitors coat and a broom, as well.
- Guten tag, ich habe fafluchte polnishe schweine, nicht schysen and nicht fershteyen... (?)
- 2023-05-18
- so, what was submitting to worth? my nickname is worth shit and shit is what I get for demos that are more precious than gold. what a riddle...
- 2023-05-21
- hey demo wildmen! soon you'll be wearing necklace of eyes on your @$$...
- amway: lay a sh&t and claim for defamation everyone that mention it. visage maintenance at right level.