the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-05-13
Didnt Ubisloth do the same thing? I love it when the hipocracy of these valiant DRM crusaders are blown open like this. Muppets.
vavle is giving Portal away for free nothing. So if you havent played this masterpiece game, this is a good chance to do so
- 2010-05-24
nic0. I think you could eat your own feces and get more nutrition out of it than McD's food-look-a-like
- truckers delight, the video game. must!!!
- 2010-06-19
FTFY...Football = Suxx!
- 2010-06-22
portal 2 looks amazing. Loved the first one, and Noisia for world president!!!
- 2010-07-05
I think someone is on their period.
- 2010-07-08
does Gargaj still have sand in her vagina?
- 2010-07-19
- ivity/
- 2010-08-02
panic, not horror, but Valve is giving away 'alien swarm' through their steam store. Good stuff.
8bb yeah I saw it and got the monkey island special editions. I just like free stuff since well...its free. also, you dont have to pay any money for it.
- 2010-08-20
My condolences WN2K
- 2010-09-14
Torsdagen den 16 sept. kl.15:00-17:00 hade vi planerat att, som vanligt, hålla vår traditionella Vuvuzela-konsert på Sergels Torg. Till vår förskräckelse har vi nu fått veta att Sverigedemokraterna tänkt att anordna ett torgmöte på samma plats och tid!
- 2010-09-16
the successor to hello kitty
- 2010-10-01
- finally a spirituality worth persuing.
- 2010-10-16
so what sceners did "The Polynomial - Space of the music"? looks delicious!
- 2010-11-24
Okkie, you have just made it to my hit list...again!
- 2010-12-04
- atic-cables-contain-UFO-details-says-Julian-Assange.html This saga just keeps on giving. LOL.
- 2010-12-07
awwww....I was looking forward to the cables on little green men :(
..but, ...but he implied.... :o(
- 2011-12-01
- s-Political-giants-weigh-bias-scientists-bowing-financial-pressure-sponsors.html Color me unsurprised
- 2011-12-03
quintix; d=T2QKAAAAEBAJ
- 2011-12-04
- 2011-12-10
- WTH?!