the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2016-01-13
- 2016-01-14
- ...more drama.
- 2016-01-15
- mudlord, because we like you well enough? ;)
- 2016-01-19
- What? Also, drift, I might be possibly offering some of a "new" mini platform (already mentioned by someone else on the oneliner before; I didn't create it) later this spring. Email me for the not-so-secret possible details if you care. :)
- 2016-01-25
- Try getting the English version of alphabet soup next time then.
- 2016-01-26
- Wasn't me this time.
- 2016-01-28
- jmph, wouldn't matter anyway, I think he was just after creating noise... commented on a bunch of threads with relative nonsense too.
- 2016-02-04
- LFT++
- Well he is a pretty amazing guy. :)
- 2016-02-08
- I prefer smoke signals.
- 2016-02-09
- 6 oneliners since joining and none of them are even witty.
- 2016-02-10
- noby, zwsp would be shorter. :P
- 2016-02-17
- 555 glöps
- 2016-03-01
- bluetooth bass is overrated; buy a red chello
- 2016-03-04
- Well, m0d seems to be [slowly] shutting out people he knows over possible slights or differences of opinion.
- Saga Musix, Oh, I wasn't saying there was an issue. I was just providing a possible answer to "Why?" However that is good to hear, regardless. :)
- 2016-03-09
- I don't understand the latest drama, and this isn't due to a language barrier... I also wish they wouldn't shit in the local watering hole then run around going "[they] did it!"
- 2016-03-10
- the pouët σneliήer иow шőrks in ünicøde 2.0:
- σneliήer иow шőrks in ünicøde 2.0: the pouët
- 2016-03-15
- and the remaining 15.
- ...that unicode doesn't work in the oneliner
- 2016-03-25
- If there's any other sceners bored at the Hotel Crystal and don't want to head down yet (or head down together), I'm in room 613. I don't have any booze, though, sorry.
- No bad substances here. Just a gray sky and rain.
- 2016-03-30
- nodepond, that got played a few times on my long drive home from the airport. It was also stuck in my head from prior, too. Props to jco and netpoet.
- 2016-04-01
- I'd call for eastern Washington but I'm pretty sure I'm quite alone out here. ;P