the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-07-10
- 3x Insult!
- 3 syllables: BOO HOO HOO
- what to do to save it?
- save the cheerleader, save the world! (muhahahahahahaa)
- Care to save Pouet? [Y/N]
- oh noes, they take my bucket!
- N
- Look! It's a piece of shit!
- Beware of the Lemmings...
- I forgot an "m" at the end
- no babes there?
- we are the new invention
- I think. No matter of what you believe, you must understand what it's important.
- The Settlers DS rulez!!!
- still no babes here
- here you go:
- 2007-07-11
- solskogen next!!
- ctrix: upload the "final" version to ... O_o
- compatitions
- LCF: you think too much, really, try to relax :]
- i'm bored.....
- thanks rob
- want a coder for ravebusters musicdisc releases... -.- i'm bored...
- bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner