the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-07-08
bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner
ficken... zeit für n bier
zeit für chips :( /*
oldskool demoscene flavour doesnt work on oneliner
Franzl deine Klammer
I pledge not to let Al Gore scare me into submission with his global warming scam
we have left and right foot (some dont)
For some reason, almost no layman questions nuclear physicists or the guys that made your car, but when it comes to evolution and global warming, all scientists are just wrong because we all know those things can't happen, right?
et mon cul te c'est du poulaid ??!?
scientists are always wrong, without alien technology you wouldnt have a pc
preacher: because you need to slow industry if you would try to stop global warming, and evolution, praise teh jesus, hallelujah!
super poulain: pour grandir vite et bien, il te faut: des protéines et du fer pour la croissance...
Nono.. everybody questions nuclear physics. The anti-nuclear movement is just out of fasion in this decade.
and you sir, are worth then hitler
jeez.. get a dictionary
rotts? rotts? where we go we don't need rotts!
Happy Birthday FLT!
"irst july of 1986"?
well it keeps the kids amused :)
ohh i should make such t-shirts too and get rich :(
why not sell them for charity like getoart do
why charity? i need money myself..
getoart hass a list of initiatives for lamers