the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2021-04-04
- Yo did they mess up with 64k compos ?
- oh ok sorry ( WITH A RERUN OF LAST NIGHT'S 64k-COMPO.)
- Seriously guys you should turn yur mic off !! please :) do it
- Well They must be drunk like everyone else ! it's ok but please
- 2021-07-09
- So many choices for a nice sofascene evening
- 2021-10-09
- Do they know what "deadline" mean at Deadline or did they just choose it because it sounds cool ?
- 2021-10-10
- Okay? Yes!
- 2021-11-27
- And so is Eclispe !
- 2022-02-23
- Wow ..first time I listened ti this awesome tune was ...more than 20 years ago...We're getting old !
- 2022-02-25
- This might not end ukranian people suffering but.....
- 2022-02-26
- one_hour_after_war.xm (an other awesome module ...but no I don't think it will affect the demoscne :))
- 2022-03-28
- Oh please ! Revision why Twitch ? Why ???
- 2022-04-02
- I just noticed : progress to the youtube singularity: 27.32%.. What happens when 100%?
- Ahah nice one Gargaj !
- 2022-04-03
- Who else is missing eWerk ?
- 2022-04-10
- Hello ô the cheerfull oneliner
- 2022-07-12
- i love the version of "what's up" (with tesla coils) sounds like some modules!
- oops I forgot the link
- 2023-04-09
- Hi Flopine !!!!!!!
- 2023-09-16
- any good sofa scening stuff to watch tonight ?
- 2023-09-30
- no live chat for deadlione ?
- oops yeah "signn in with sceneid" sorry ..watching on homemade stuff
- 2024-03-31
- I submitted my entry 1 hour beofre the deadline and YES this will affect the demoscene !
- If you want some French Wine come over !! We are in the middle of the second table on the right !! don't be shy !
- 2024-04-01
- I loved the demo "Every Little Thing" by Shantee....but I could be biased