the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2011-10-15
One good indicator that ure on the right path is that u cant wait to do stuff even in the hangggoverr !
- 2011-10-16
Alt.Party at Cable Fac :-)This is where we used to sk8 alot back in ta day :-))
NewSkool Sk8 Abc: First learn frontside boardslide to the handrail then kickflip then kickflip fs boardslide then backside lipslide and then alley oop kflip to the handrail
- 2011-11-11
papaDemos as Prime Minister!
almost 255 day today, fucken twothousand
- 2011-11-12
Mitä *Vitun* Järkee On Koodata Jos Ei Koodaa Niinku Charles Brownson?
- 2011-11-13
Only fags use language built-in oop, winners use typedef struct with 4byte funcptrs, group public/priv/members shit with inner structs and get access to the inst this ptr using void*
- 2011-11-22
mm... new wii zelda waiting in the postaloffice (includes zelda golded motion+ mote \o/) Xmas begins!!1
- 2011-11-23
Sure zelda aint UG, but combine it with the bloody curb raping and drinking beer in the unemployement office and that mainstream is exactlywhacha need ;-) (Ps. DoomIII src is out, bet john still uses g_* wit his globals.)
- 2011-11-24
let john write your globals to the dump, they never get messy
- 2011-11-25
If I had been that Dane who designed those bank account system I'd have used UINTs to store the value. This way all we who have -1 euros would be now multimillionaires ;-)
- 2011-11-26
The scandinavian east side runs upx -9 with the nine in their hands when they are about to rob a liquor store!
- 2011-11-27
Applets cause events that happen in 2012 x--) Lol I've to stop this trollyin' ps. dont ban my acc not just yet, im too young to know (not near thirty even yet gargaj)(I can still prove valuable for the scene ;-))
- 2011-11-28
cartoons all day long, then coding (no handshaking with the suits)
- 2011-12-02
Put b there but House of Pain there, then put Ice Cube and Eminem there, aint question who is in Soul Assansins and whoaint
hey dudes, realize if were gonna be scene 2020 we have to talk things that arent so insane for new ppl to understand, sure i could be talking ug stuff all along.. but its hard to get
- 2011-12-04
wazaah, wazaah iss thiiiis #define BOOL int -- in Windows.h? Only 31 bits wasted, no wonder damn small linux is 53mb and Win8 is 50gb...It's just soo much better
- 2011-12-09
What a tragedy that Greg Giraldo to the comedy scene. Anyone can verify is there really dickjokes written on the tombstone?