the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2013-05-22
- the correct grammar version is "it's time to unicode..." :)
- 2013-05-24
- place your finger >< here for extra pleasure
- _sodium's text mode logo is just pure awesomeness
- 2013-05-26
- yo guyz, anyone possesses knowledge about any nicey conspiracy doc? damn, those flicks are freakin' awesome!
- go make a demo about it :D
- 2013-05-27
- itations-orson-welles-195650.jpg nice quote :D
- no sleep till marriage
- 2013-05-28
- sex jokes ar so 1492 :)
- guyz, make good wishes for intimidate enclousure.her name is kasia
- theres no need to alarm, i was just testing how my ego would react on doing something akward :)
- dont forget about mustache
- 2013-05-30
- an-faur/
- 2013-05-31
- bartoshe: so stop being sad and start being awesome instead (c) Barney :)
- 2013-06-01
- Mighty Adventures of Penis in the Lands of 7 Seas. In Dynamotion
- damn i didnt read this onliner about accident. RIP :(
- 2013-06-03
- forza Turkey!
- 2013-06-10
- "never say good luck. it's bad luck to say good luck" RobotJox
- 2013-06-15
- today at the evening there's an chiptune concert and later demo show whole night , stream:
- 2013-06-19
- kidding is not halal
- 2013-06-23
- <code injection>
- 2013-06-27
- i didn't choose the thug life, thug life chose me :>
- 2013-06-29
- time is to PETSCII on the onliner
- 2013-06-30
- holly sh*t! really? thats awesome!
- 2013-07-04
- diese alte Werbung ist toll
- 2013-07-05