the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2017-03-27
- 2017-04-05
holy chip, iq is a true genius.
- 2017-04-09
LJ: thanks for spending your time. all fine.
- 2017-04-10
Dear Hardy: did I attack you in any way, today or at any time? Did I steal you or anything like that? Did I cause any loss to you, directly or indirectly? Think about that, please. <3. I respect you, boy. Cheers. Do not hate me, I don't hate you.
- 2018-05-05
tomkh: thanks! not as good or featured as planned, just what time allowed.
should i open its sources? a fractal editor could be added, and allow trips to other planets etc -- sort of a shadertoy in space. =)
- 2018-05-06
will just clean some garbage and upload it all to github, in a day or so. thanks!
tomkh: also, that image is quite bright, it's not so bright over here, will check that on windows tomorrow. anyway, the plan is to publish this as open-source and add a database and a fractal editor, so people could add new fractals to be spawned randomly around planets.
on the above webgl demo, are you people seeing the planet terrain? i just tested under windows now, and for some reason on windows the planet is just a sphere. will have to bug-fix that. =(
thanks for the feedback! i also opened a thread asking for feedbacks
- 2018-12-31
if you're still alive, you can always restart.
- 2019-02-20
- 2019-03-05
All your glöps belong to MariaDB
- 2019-05-06
- 2019-05-12
well, kids DO know warez, they now use things like lucky patcher for example. =)
- 2019-07-28
- 2019-08-07
- 2019-08-09
- 2020-02-12
Chimarrão is popular in the south of Brazil.
lol - did not get the joke yet, but ok...
actually, you can also go fuck yourself, whore.
omg, thanks guys/gargaj - love you all
no. just a thank you for justice done, imho.