the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2000-11-16
- this is even more info! BTW what`s "coup de coeur"?
- thx :) that's been our "international freanch course for sceners" lesson of today ;)
- 2000-11-17
- didn't we conclude that "pouët" was the sound of the trumpet?
- 2000-11-20
- pua pua pua puaaaaaa
- little bridge of wood? petit pont de fusta :D
- 2000-11-23
- be scene
- Rendering with MAX is boooooring
- introducing my new slideshow-demo "screenshots" made up with demoscene screenshots ;)
- 2000-11-24
- :)
- 2000-11-27
- birthy djamday, happy!
- 2000-12-01
- why do can't my messages be displayed?
- 2000-12-03
- care for your health ... give up peyote ... ;D
- 2000-12-04
- Get Peyoted
- 2000-12-05
- paño. araña. castaña. legaña. pestaña. mañana. cucaña. coño. caña. saña. endiñar. aliñar. empañar...
- 2000-12-06
- shame on me ... {:(
- 2000-12-13
- mmmmh... acme :)
- where can I get Sophie Marceau?
- having Sophie in one's bed is a curse ?? Let's all be damned :D
- 2000-12-14
- Join Da Scene, Sophie!! We Beg You!!
- coding a beer... beering a DemO ... deMoiNG a hAVe :o)
- 2000-12-15
- accelerated GW-BASIC demos kixxx ass :D
- have fun
- 2000-12-18
- we've said: have fun... and btw ... new account pages??
- 2000-12-19
- quakesceners? do you mean sceners playing quake or sceners making quakeish-demos? ;D
- 2000-12-20
- I feel like if I could not recognize myself