the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-05-17
deus: are you the world?
- 2010-05-18
Fuckings to norwegian portal service for fucking with my dimensions.
crosbow: go stand in a crowded place with a "FREE HUGS" sign.
- 2010-05-20
- this is awesome.
noise CD? what artists put you on it?
you played the 2D version, the real 3D version is also free!
good one
lol, portals and braid-like timewarp. that would be cool. make it!
- 2010-05-21
The BASS may now !
- 2010-05-22
go make a demo (about it)
can i wait years before entering it? can i take somebody with me?
i'll enter it.
I wish I was DNA Helicase so I could unzip your genes.
- 2010-05-23
i'm sure Salinga uses a google taskbar or something
- 2010-05-24
supermarkets go on surreal adventures in the jungle
- 2010-05-25
lol, 90 days 4chan ban. i'm going to get an A for all my tests.
panic: that's prolly the DNS cache of your router, reset it.
ah, now i want pizza, and i had pizza yesterday :/
the best thing about pizza is, the taste always differs, if you order an other kind of pizza.
Pizza Hut sucks. Their zas are dry, hard, tasteless and greasy yet not oily.
Lamers suck. Lamers are dry, hard, tasteless and greasy yet not oily.
- 2010-05-26
The so famous pouë oneliner may now !