the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-01-24
- drink whiskey first.
- the camera <- there.
- kimera ?
- calimero
- *come* to the AMIGATOUZE :
- 2008-02-07
- shit, tonight I had a bumfight with a right extremist. Hopefully, I could beat his shit with no further problems. over.
- 2008-03-27
- <- 1998
- 2008-04-26
- aaargh alll these boring threads i will never look at.
- 2008-04-27
- maybe in communist russia scene releases demoparty you.
- 2008-05-06
- krabob from vieux boucau, landes, france, 6/05/2008
- 2008-05-14
- shit... can't recall: what was the url of that site with a sid/mod player java applet, and with some playlist stuffs ? blip blop something... someone ? :(
- thx ps !
- hello ham. tex/mkd the webmaster doesnt care to change... but with flash9 you can just have a look at that:
- WTF jodorovski movie ???
- 2008-05-22
- hmmm the French presidency competition 2007 thread really sucks
- 2008-05-24
- Get down / I am not an atomic playboy
- ftw blender sucks... I'm following the tutorials and discover it can only modelize tris and quads... and so it fucks up normals computing according to me.... Miss mah lightwave
- for big objects yes, but well... i'm not used to waste so much polygons.
- 2008-05-27
- thumb up for the new school platform nytrik !!!
- 2008-05-28
- ...whereas you'd better stop alcohol for a week or so, you'll see an effect on your code motivation
- back in the days -> oLD.
- get near the screen and ... awake to the truth by contempling the miracle of pixeldom
- 2008-05-30
- HVSC - all of them
- last day to order chouchenn drinks: