the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2006-02-19
wtf... demoman/speedfisters has a titan avatar.....
- 2006-02-20
new years resolution for standard res. thanks
- 2006-02-22
or a woman who met David Hasselhoff..
- 2006-02-26
- 2006-02-27
glasyr på din stav??
is that like, a REAL language?? It sure did look strange! ;)
- 2006-02-28
Is spanish only on 6th place?? I would have guessed like #4 atleast....
- 2006-03-02
titan - connecting people
- 2006-03-07
Shane, perhaps you should try something slightly tighter..
- 2006-03-09
gajin! baka!
- 2006-03-17
"Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked so his tight jeans cruched his balls."
- 2006-03-19
kelsey: perhaps he got on of those... what's it called?? .. yes.. a life.
- 2006-03-25
you guys really need an irc client....
- 2006-03-29
crinkler's /VERBOSE:FUNCTIONS option is like an optimizing drug.. :(
- 2006-04-20
you can always buy a new harddrive! ;)
- 2006-04-29
the phising filter in internet explorer 7 is dead slow...
- 2006-05-03
perhaps not.. but your oneliner skill isn't that good either.. ;)
- 2006-05-09
that tennis game sure looked really nice, imagine that when being drunk..
- 2006-05-10
not enought... not even near!
- 2006-05-11
"home of the true oldskool spirit"... ok
- 2006-05-13
i thing skrebbel is wrong.
omfg... are we supposed to watch 31 derivates of Rush Hour then....
- 2006-05-14
I'll show you my Dim Mak!
- 2006-05-18
why do people, right after they injected drugs realize that they must start new threads on pouet??