the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2005-10-02
So.. three young sceners stole his bike and kicked his ass and this is his reveange?
- 2005-10-03
get an oreo cos it's a cookie
- 2005-10-05
9,10,11,12, poo
- 2005-10-16
ya' maggots! har har har....
- 2005-10-21
nice. brings back memories of Verbatim, Datalife, Basf and such...
- 2005-10-22
So... I see you have a red'n'green animation avatar... that's lame :)
well, what is it? ;)
- 2005-11-03
congratulations SOYAYOFU! My twin brother just turned 30 today!
- 2005-11-11
hey hey 16k!! :D brilliant!
- 2005-11-18
dipswitch: and that's why you are the glöp king!
- 2005-12-10
today I made lussekatter! Beat that suckers!!
- 2005-12-12
crazy frog - can't touch this.... Now I really wanna die!!! :(
- 2005-12-13
DIN MAMMA......!!!!!
- 2005-12-28
demo my Jens of Sweden me beautiful
no Conspiracy intro at TUM??
- 2006-01-01
if uncle-x wanna drive a flying car he doesn't need a drivers license... he just needs an airplane pilot license.
- 2006-01-02
demo min ipod mig vacker!
- 2006-01-07
the direct3d 10 docs in the november update was niec... who will be first with a Vista/DirectX 10 demo? ;)
yeah I know... I don't understand why I wrote November.... :)
- 2006-01-18
because kewl people goes too netcafe's ( and all kewl people smoke! ).... hm.. or not
- 2006-02-01
I find that a scener's opinion of me is influenced by whether or not I have booze.
- 2006-02-03
how many % of a 4kb does the music code/music data usually take?
- 2006-02-07
- 2006-02-08
all we need is love!
- 2006-02-09
MCGabber ( two m's count as one )