the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-03-29
- hey i'm in holland!
- just on vacation, before bp :D see you in portugal after the 10th :D
- 2007-03-30
- d
- w
- three out of five d
- 2007-04-01
- there's a portuguese scener on my background. jsyk
- 2007-04-12
- beats debris by far
- 2007-04-24
- i feel inShane today
- 2007-05-05
- old?
- 2007-05-07
- how come i didn't know this was online?
- 2007-05-17
- 5711
- sparcus: \o/ liraluna: yeah, like, most of 5711 members in the evoke orga team, so shouldn't be so hard :)
- fish? BASS!!!!1centoeonze
- 2007-05-18
- is it me or nowadays we get more and more peopl
- 2007-05-19
- and then, suddenly, the
- exploded, leaving three
- floating in space. meanwhile, in another galaxy,
- during a spelling check
- pick me! pick me! pick me!
- 2007-06-01
- sorry to hear that, xer
- 2008-08-06
- ### song, people dancing ###
- ### song, people dancing ###
- 2008-09-26
- indie my ass
- 2008-09-28
- born to be wild
- 2008-10-04
- I'm not at InerciaDemoparty and I feel sad.