the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2008-02-18
- dila, thats your razborka
- but you inheritated their money didnt you
- yeah we feel so bad for you poor germans. it must be a hell living in germany today.
- hitchhikr: i dont feel bad about french pussies, you had it coming
- rrrrraaaaaaaaaazboooorka!!!!!!!!!!
- 2008-02-19
- 2008-02-27
- Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter
- 2008-03-12
- skrebbel is going for magic-level on the bbs?
- 2008-07-09
- what's the difference between nosfes art and valves?
- 2008-09-05
- ps learnt php and received grand delusion by email
- 2009-05-14
- ### google down, random image threads hangs ###
- 2009-05-16
- Nobody dares to say "i expected more from Wolfram"! I will find your comments in prod.php!!!!!!!!!
- 2009-06-14
- havoc to the lavatory. havoc to the lavatory.
- 2010-12-06
- compusphere results in the bbs. upload to party bugged.
- corrected cs results in the bbs ;)
- 2011-02-10
- Who is moderating nowadays? Please state names and church.
- germans please be silent.
- las: me too. all germans must go.
- iam stefan and iam not into religion fapping, nor do i understand why someone took over pouet
- panic whats so weird about my avatar?
- panic: what does israel have to do with religion?
- are you satisfying yourself by thinking that "them millions of people we killed where just religious fappers anyways"? you make no sense. israel is a country not a religion.
- hcdlt: the question is why pouet is suddenly heavily moderated. it makes no sense since pouet was a living funny site before the censorship. i wonder who pulled the plug and why.
- panic: maybe you should just accept you lost the war and you where found guilty of massmurder instead of attacking innocent people.