the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-01
- meet single copperbars in your area
- Metaballs. Touching in many areas.
- 2024-09-02
- @magic: Nice musicdisk! Early thumb-up from me!
- Welcome to the malformed box.
- Foebane72: :)
- so... went to a demo event, they said "pouet" was "unsafe" and to use so, why? I was not even aware of demozoo existanc.
- just beware of the trolls. they hide in the bbs mostly, but are also seen regularly on the oneliner and sometimes in prod comments. you'll soon enough find yourself in a love-hate relationship with this site. ;)
- what v3nom said. also, some people take thing (or themselves) wayyy too seriously
- Oh yeah... Back in 2008 naive me asked a few serious questions and only got trolling back :P
- and some people use pouet for lonely hearts ads apparently
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- democuckoo
- democuck
- demoduck
- Peking Ente
- Duckfuckcockrock
- we don't need your pornhub preferences, magic
- we don't need another heeeeerooo....
- 2024-09-03
- We dont need anotgwe
- We dont need anotgwe
- Don't forget: We Are All Connected
- what's the dogma level of shitposting to an unsafe site
- Any posting should exceed moderation tolerance. Under posting, I also mean shitposting.