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the so complete pouët.net oneliner
We've already had a pricing plan with Färjanmaker where after a threshold of 5 machines, the developer gets billed for each machine the demo is watched on. We have no idea why no one has noticed this yet.
Federation Against Mellow / Federation Against Software Theft split 12" when?
Hello, is there anybody in there?
Mostly I feel drawn to the logout link right next to it
Any posting should exceed moderation tolerance. Under posting, I also mean shitposting.
Metal has metal-archives.com, the demoscene has Demozoo, and people go to Wikipedia to read about King Richard III, not Stress Angel or Alcatraz
The previous post ☝️ is not a shitpost
Functioning in real life causes stress, after which trolls may well be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Man, straws are great rhetorical devices
I have a great experience on Instagram but I still acknowledge that social media is an absolute garbage fire