the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2023-07-03
- Long live the Netherlands!
- 2023-07-17
- こんいちは!
- 2023-07-18
- 私はクラウス。オーストリア人だ。よろしく。
- 2023-08-12
- 2023-08-22
- ps: Whenever you start a video, you say: "Hello everyone, how are you doing? Welcome to another video." I've grown accustomed to it. :)
- I regret having been involved in the demoscene. Please forget all my contributions.
- 2023-09-18
- 2023-09-21
- Wilhelmus von Nassau bin ich von deutschem Blut.
- 2023-10-06
- The scene is a generational phenomenon. It is typical for Generation X. Gen Y and Gen Z have other hobbies.
- 2023-10-08
- Happy 40th birthday, Gargaj!
- 2024-01-21
- Havoc: Do you believe in God?
- 2024-04-02
- Why do all the sceners on these photos look so old? :)
- 2024-07-16
- New blog:
- 2024-08-05
- Maybe I'll start working on a demoscene production again!
- Yes ;)
- 2024-08-09
- New article about the demoscene:
- 2024-09-06
- I am the trend setter - everybody is talking about me
- 2024-09-12
- The art pack Magic linked contains great gfx by Facet and Critikill!
- I am interested in democoding because it is difficult - if it were easy, it would not be enough of a challenge.
- Admitted, with OpenGL and DirectX it is much easier to code a demo than back in the MS-DOS days.
- IMHO it is more difficult to calculate the offset where to put a pixel in segment 0a000h than to simply write something like SetPixel(x, y, color)...
- 2024-09-13
- I am qualified enough to know that it is far easier to display a wireframe or textured cube with OpenGL than with an MS-DOS program.
- I fail to see what is so "moronic" about what I wrote. I managed to code a 3D demo using OpenGL. I did not manage to do the same under MS-DOS, where I would have had to write my own 3D engine.
- I do not troll.