the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2016-01-03
underground is dirty and full of ugly beings: demo art must not be considered as "underground" - DEMO POWAH IS PURE!
- 2016-01-20
Our world require PEACE & LOVE more than ever! If I could, I would kiss everybody on the front of the head, but who am I to do that?
Human Kind needs a real update of the software it is running with: PEACE & LOVE v2.0 is available NOW ;)
- 2016-01-24
Why do you cal me The Savior? Because I talk to the universe like a brother and to God like my father... Maybe you're right, because WE ONLY TALK ABOUT YOU: H U M A N S ! What the fuck are YOU (still) doing in 2016?
- 2016-01-30
May You Be With The Life Force - the opposite is dangerous...
- 2016-02-09
O you life, people hate you so much they become evil ... If I could, I'll kill you, bitch!
Starchaser: do it yourself, poor consumer ;)
The (too) big mouth of sceners has always disgusted me ;)
- 2016-02-17
Adopt the God Mind v1.999
- 2016-02-22
<(o)> I'm The Eye In The Sky Looking At Demos <(o)>
- 2016-03-17
All my friends are impressed by demos, but stay afraid by demomaking - it is a too demanding art :/
- 2016-03-22
I am Belgian, and I wonder whether to oust Saracen outisde the borders ... or not?
Devons-nous continuer à nourrir le vampire musulman de base qui n'a Dieu et d'oreilles que pour l'imam le plus proche?
Only 1 God has always been a bad thing for humans: choose me instead, I LOVE YOU ALL AND I CAN PROVE IT!
Proud human beings, people of the Earth, Respect and Love must accompany your Mind and your Actions, for You and The Others.
- 2016-03-23
I hope it is going better for you now, Barti. Forgiving is a possible way...
- 2016-03-24
He Is waiting somewhere Hell's for some of us... poor.
- 2016-04-02
If I could, I would, but I can't, so I don't...
- 2016-04-10
Apocalypse now, yesterday and tomorrow?
- 2016-04-23
Il cuit son mouton dans ton salon et te traite de raciste - qui a échoué à s'intégrer en Europe?
- 2016-04-24
Love Him Tender, Love Him True, Coz He Loves What You Do, FU*** Creators!
- 2016-05-01
Double-click on the scener. Open 'HEART' folder and execute 'LoveThemAll.exe'. Reboot the scener. Wait :)
- 2016-05-02
One way ticket, one way ticket to where ever you want - yo!
- 2016-05-03
We are all and all our planet as we are individual. Hello, Mr. Earth, how are you? I'm fine, Madam Earth, and you?