the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2010-11-19
- ∀x∀y[∀z(z∈x⇔z∈y)⇒x=y]
- I want to write japanese character.
- sorry. I want to write japanese character on pouet. I can write ascii noises on pouet with IME
- I can write math mathematical symbols, greeks alphabets, Cyrillic alphabets and so on with IME.
- It's OK. I dont wanted to write some japanese sentence but some symbols in japanese charactor set.
- 2010-12-15
- If you are GLSL coder and using nvidia gpu, Get "GPU Shader Analyzer" from AMD.
- 2011-01-24
- h
- 2011-03-08
- ⇒⇔∈∋∃∀∨∧∪∩⊃⊂⊆⊇αβδ
- 2011-03-11
- Strong earth quake (6+) in Nagano in Japan.
- 2011-04-29
- Demo show with 100 inch screen\o/
- 2012-02-28
- How do you make a music with calculator?
- Zavie: Thank you. But wertstahl said he is musician with a desk calculator(Dentaku). European desk calculator has a sound output?
- evilpaul:Thank you! I found this video:
- New pocket calculator for musicians?
- 2012-05-23
- Is it possible to bring a super computer to party and release a wild demo runs realtimely on it?
- Preacher: I didn't know there was Supercomputer Demo competition in altparty.
- 2012-06-24
- I think OpenGL3 core profile is simpler than 2. But glBegin() is convenient when I implement debug drawing.
- 2012-10-10
- kokocandy: Automatic demo video downloading and converting script for vim.
- 2013-01-30
- I'm planing to visit revision. Please tell me what you want.
- substrate: I think I can. But Medicines free of duty is limited to the quantity required for personal use during the trip.
- substrate:OK. see you at revision!
- 2013-03-26
- 山
- 2013-03-28
- I succeed to bring japanese snacks to germany. But my 4k intro is not completed :(
- 2013-04-09
- Currywurst with 30% ketchup would be nice.
- 2013-08-14
- ∀∃∧∨∈∋∩∪⊆⊇⇔⇒∽∑∫∬∭∲≦≧∂∇√≠≒≡⊥