the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2016-03-15
So, what about this one: “Yeah, great big fucking deal about „Legaliste It 2” – does Nuke try to give us all the idea that he’s oh-so-mature because he listens to jazz and actually dares to transfer it onto the Amiga?!"
- 2016-06-17
one of my favourite LP's of alltime:
- 2016-07-01
Yep, we should be thankful to Koto (and Laserdance) for Enigma demo soundtrack :-)
or simply nerdy music :-)
- 2017-05-06
1in10: Ah, I remember liking it back then, nice movie. And cool soundtrack by Neo (love Renard track).
Gargaj: Regarding hungarian movies, I've heard Szabadesés is good, but unfortunately can't find it anywhere.
- 2019-03-21
metoikos: Good catch! Haven't heard it in years. Instantly made me think of Nebula Habitus by Heatbeat.
- 2020-01-06
stobit: much like in polish :)
- 2020-06-15
wertstahl: disconnectedness from what?
- 2020-06-22
Felice: oh yeah, Boris never disappoints
- 2020-07-24
Anyone knows what this drum loop was sampled from? Starts at 0:43:
- 2020-07-26
Why won't you simply import a midi file inte Renoise?
- 2020-08-29
Heute is der grosse Tag.
- 2020-09-02
I miss pre-corona Pouet...
Jeeez... Can we please switch back to non-covid Pouet please? Thank you.
- 2020-09-03
"Ich habe keine Hosen an. Film nach Elf!"
- 2020-09-11
Bifat, here you are:
- 2020-09-26
D4XX, you should reach out to Romeo Knight, as he was probably the one who sampled these.
Saga Musix: You're right. But I remember vaguely that using ST-XX named sample disks in Noisetracker was more conveniant for some reason. I may be wrong though. I used Noisetracker briefly in 1992 only because Protracker 1.0 kept crashing my Amiga.
- 2020-10-06
RIP Eddie :(
- 2020-10-30
Lyrics to Blind Intro anyone?
- 2020-11-12
What makes this mod great Ep.1: Dizzy - Pathway
- 2020-11-18
Danish friends, can you confirm this?
- 2020-12-01
Good job! Nice Yamaha XG vibe here. Damn, I forgot how great this MOD is!
- 2020-12-02
Puts a huge smile on my face each time I see it. LOUD!!